On-demand Fuel Delivery App

Today, who likes to make efforts when everything is available at the convenience of the fingertips. The customers expect the least for vehicle refueling service as well. Serve the customers’ fuel needs at the time and place of their choice.

Project idea

The idea is to deliver fuel to the customers quickly and securely through minimum efforts.

Target Audience

The mobile app serves the need of all the people own vehicle and require tanks refilling.

Project challenges

Fuel is a combustible commodity. So, the client wants a sustainable system that allows customers to order fuel and get the car tanks refilled with utmost security


Our team has built a robust solution complying with all security, government, and quality standards so that customers are served in the best possible way.

Choose Fuel

The customers can select the fuel type, location, and time to deliver the fuel now or for a later date. A single tap allows them to reorder the same amount of fuel effortlessly.

Fuel ordering & Notifications

The customer receives notifications about order status, latest deals, or coupons at various times. The in-built live tracking allows them to track the real-time status of the fuel truck.

Digital Order& Invoice

The customers make the payment as soon as the driver completes the refueling request. Post-payment, the digital invoice is generated that the customers can track anytime.

Looking for scalable
fuel delivery app development?

Technology Stack

Mobile Technologies

Frontend & Backend